Sunday, February 3, 2008

This is what happens during the 2nd Trimester

This is what happens during the 2nd Trimester:

-Your nausea subsides
-belly button starts to stick out
-The breasts will increase dramatically
-Waistline will also become larger
-Your more emotionally dependent to other people especially to your better half
-During this time you will start to feel the baby move in your tummy
-But don’t worry, the good news is that these things will all pass

Friday, February 1, 2008

Here are some emotions you may feel during the first trimester

Here are some emotions you may feel during the first trimester:

-drastic mood swings
-change in attitude
-you may feel ambivalent
-you may have mixed emotions
-you may feel nauseated
-you may feel that your sex drive
might harm your baby so fear/avoid having sex.